Never ending path

Denna sång spelades in med Jonas Franke Blom som producent. Nya musiker medverkade också; Gunnar Frick och Johan Håkansson. Dessutom Daniel Austern, Jenny Lundin och Mathias Kündig.


Now and then it seems

I have lived all my dreams

And nothing more is ever to be seen

But there´s a gap in time

When I realize that I´m

just about to enter a new path of mine

So here we go again

The train leaves the station

And I´m allowed to climb up and dance

And they open up the door

Shining like before

The old brothers, lead the way

They say come on now let´s

go and catch some light

Come on now the sun´s about to rise

Come on now let´s go and catch some light

Come on now you´re ready for some action

On your never ending path

Now and then it seems

that I´m living my dreams

And life is an everfloating stream

And I can recall the day

When love came my way

And opened up my eyes

to the good things in life

She said come on now let´s

go and catch some light

Come on now the sun´s about to rise

Come on now let´s go and catch some light

Come on now you´re ready for some action

On your never ending path

Come on now let´s go and catch some light

Come on now the sun´s about to rise

Come on now let´s go and catch some light

Come on now you´re ready for some action

On your never ending paths