Stand up tall and sue them all


Wish there was some place I could hide

Where my eyes´d be shut- not open wide

And maybe stay there for a while?

And let the world turn without me tonight?

Yeah, I have said these words before

That there´ll be no caos, behind my door

But there is knocking at my door

Yeah there is knocking at my door

No I won´t hide in here, I will try and stand up tall

I will stand up tall

And I know I´m not alone

I will stand up tall

Stand up tall

I will stand up tall

And I know I´m not alone

I will stand up tall

And sue them all

Yeah, a hard rain is gonna fall

If we keep digging up that old black gold

Time to sue them all?

Oil nations - sue them all

Oli industries - sue them all

And have them pay for what they have caused

Yeah, let them pay for what they have caused

We got to stand up tall

And sue them all

We got to stand up all

And I know we´re not alone

We got to stand up tall

and sue them all