- namnet på min musik!
I walked in clouds,
and I walked in dreams
I walked alone, or so it seems
I searched for Everyman,
and the eternal plan
And there were shining lights
Shining for me, if I could see them
There was no God, but still,
some kind of God
That I could be
But I had to walk many miles,
and learn to reconcile
With every living thing
That Mother Nature could bring
Us and them, is what religion brings
And no man should kill or die for
A God with such a plan
So many stairs, I have to climb
But I take one, one at a time
And maybe I will find a way
And in the end, I can say
That I have seen those shining lights,
shining for me
I walk alone
We all walk alone
Västfront Produktion Såggatan 61, 414 67 Göteborg, 0736/65 20 08, emejl press(at)leifstrandh.se