The power of the worms


I was talking to a farmer just the other night
He said his farm and fields were serving him right, and I said worms
He´s been treating his fields for forty years with pesticides.

I said I´d rather talk about the worms
Because it´s the power of the worms that keep the cycle going around

And fertilize the soil, it´s so profound, cause of the worms

And another man told me about soil destruction
And the monocultered fields, that depleet the soil and leaves wasteland
And the use of artificial fertilizers to feed that junc food industry that leaves wasteland
When it´s the power of the worms that keep the cycle going around

And in wasteland there is no worms to be found

Now, let me tell you about organic farmers around the world

Where the ecocycle feeds them all, when they allow it to

And that living soil, is the fundamental basis for the myriads of creeps

And the eternal farmers in the deep
Because it´s the power of the worms that keep the cycle going around

And fertilize the soil,

it´s so profound

cause of the worms